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🕉 山淨煙供粉 附四解脫咒紙
🕉 55 pcs
🕉 一包450元(含國內運費)
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"山淨煙供" 是一種藏傳佛教的供養儀式,通常稱為"煙供"。這個儀式涉及燃燒各種香料和其他物質,以供養佛陀、菩薩、護法神、祖先或其他精神存在,以淨化、祈福和增加功德。 在山淨煙供中,通常會選擇不同種類的香料、草藥、木材和其他物質,將它們放入特殊的容器中,然後點燃,產生煙霧。這些煙霧被認為是一種供養,將祈願和祝福送到精神領域。在儀式進行過程中,通常伴隨著誦經和咒語的念頌,以增強儀式的神聖性。








The Mountain Smoke Offering is a practice in Tibetan Buddhism that has been transmitted by the great master Guru Rinpoche for over a thousand years. Temples and practitioners in Tibet perform this smoke offering every morning. The smoke offering is simple to learn and practice. It includes offerings to Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, protectors, wealth deities, as well as offerings to beings in the six realms of existence. It is also offered to local deities, spirits, and ancestral beings, making it a powerful method for resolving karmic debts and conflicts that may have accumulated over lifetimes.


The Four Liberation Mantras: The Four Liberation Mantras are a condensed form of tantric practice based on the teachings of the Tibetan master Mipham Rinpoche, who is considered an emanation of Manjushri Bodhisattva. These mantras have powerful functions and are believed to generate merit equivalent to reciting a billion mantras when worn as a pendant. When used in conjunction with the smoke offering, the smoke becomes the "smell of liberation," which helps beings in the six realms to be liberated from suffering.


Both of these practices, when used together, have a profound impact not only on practitioners but also on ordinary individuals. These are methods widely used in Tibetan Buddhism for their powerful benefits.

山淨煙供 香塔 55個/包

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