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-Before shopping-


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-Our Goods-


(1) 我們的商品有85%進口於尼泊爾,商品為老師傅們手工精工打造,手工商品不像機器製作而來的工整,有手工的痕跡與手感,介意者請不要下單。


(2) 由於拍攝技術與電腦顯示器的不同,實際物品與網站上的商品可能會有色差,貨物以實際商品為準。

(1) Our goods are 85% imported from Nepal. Handmade and carved meticulously by old masters. The etches and traces  ingeniously done are visible in every piece may seemingly imperfect but definitely unique piece of art. If you are not to this, you may be skip the buying.


(2) There may appear a slight difference between the actual goods and the picture shown on your screen. Goods will be based on the actual item.

-How to Buy-


Visit our shop
​Online Purchase
​Phone Order
Email Order

-How to Pay-


Cash on Delivery
​ATM Transfer
​信 用 卡
​Credit Card





- 郵寄 -


台灣地區:中華郵政包裹 約為1~3工作天

其他國家:(1) 中華郵政國際包裹 約為5~14工作天   (2) EMS國際快遞 約為3~10工作天


*視地區與運送條件而有所不同 *包裹皆提供追蹤條碼可查詢貨品運送狀況

*| 包裝 | 我們的業務遍及全球,有相當豐富的包裝經驗,無論是在國內或海外的消費者皆可安心在我們網站下單,我們將會以最完善的包裝將物品送至府上。

Ming Yang Tibetan Shop is located at the center of Taichung street. Our Online Shop offer postal services worldwide thru EMS and FREE of freight charge only within Taiwan islandwide.

- Delivery -


Within Taiwan : Taiwan Post takes about 1~3 working days.

Outside Taiwan : (1) Taiwan Post regular parcel 5~14 working days. (2) EMS takes 3~10 working days


*Different cities and areas may vary on delivery time.

*Every package sent will attached a reference or track number for follow ups. 

*|Packing Service|Our service reaching worldwide, skilled and expert in packing from the smallest to the biggest of our website items. Please be rest assured your order will reach your place smooth and swift.

-Return Policy-





- 退貨 - 



- 換貨 - 





{Return and Change policy}


If your order did not live up to your expectation. Whatever may be the reason. Please feel free to return or change. 


-Return Goods-


Please return the goods within 7 days of delivery date.  We will refund your money within 3 days after receiving your package. 

-Change Goods-


Please contact us and confirm first the availability of the new order. Then send the first item without damage. We will send your new order by post within 3 days.


*Note : Sorry, we do not cover the freight cost of the returning goods. 

* Sorry we do not accept any returning goods after 7 days of delivery.


Happy shopping

+886-(0)4-2313-6185  |  +886 912-686-878
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