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文殊菩薩 佛 像

銅 / 全鎏金 / 手工 / 尼泊爾 / 含國內運費
高寬 24x16cm / 重量 2080+- 公克


Manjushri/Manjushree/Jampayang Statue
Copper / Fully Gold Gilted / Handmade / Nepal

Including Domestic Post
Height width 24x16cm/ NW2kgs





There are also specialized forms of Manjushri: Black, Orange, Four-armed Namsangiti, wrathful Yamantaka, and many others. For instance, as Namsangiti, he is yellow with one face and four hands and holds in the first right hand a blue sword of wisdom licked with flame, and in the left at his heart, he holds a pink utpala flower; then, the blossom at ear-level supports the Prajnaparamita sutra. In the lower two arms are a bow and arrow.


Jampal Tsanju is another emanation of Manjushri with one head and four hands holding a sword, the Prajnaparamita sutra and a bow and arrow.  He is pink or white with one face and four hands. There is also a three-faced form.

文殊菩薩 銅 全鎏金 手工 10" (24cm) #42

NT$68,000 Regular Price
NT$48,000Sale Price
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