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藥師佛 佛 像 

銅/全鎏金 /手工/ 尼泊爾


尺寸 18.5x12.5x8cm

重量 976grams


Medicine Buddha Menla Statue 

Copper Fully Gold Gilted

Handmade Nepal 

Including domestic post






One of the twelve vows of Medicine Buddha upon attaining Enlightenment, according to the Medicine Buddha Sutra is:

  • I vow that my body shall shine as beams of brilliant light on this infinite and boundless world, showering on all beings, getting rid of their ignorance and worries with my teachings. May all beings be like me, with a perfect status and character, upright mind and soul, and finally attaining enlightenment like the Buddha.

藥師佛 銅 全鎏金 手工 7" (18.5cm) #6

NT$58,000 Regular Price
NT$40,600Sale Price
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